Take 1


Director's Notes
Fan Mail

at large

2002-04-30 - 11:58 p.m.

ok as you may have noticed i have unlocked my diary..i don't know ..you know how sometimes in retrospect you kinda don't understand why you did something..you just know you had to do it at the time?...well i guess that's how it was/is with my journal. I s'pose since Levi didn't lock hers then what i saw as a 'threat' kinda still had access to 'us' anyway..so it doesn't really matter as much...

hmmm...anyway..call it an early mid-diaryland-life crisis or whatever you wish...i just thought i'd let you all know that i'm back and at large...oh and also i was missing all the extra hits i got from passers by and google searches and stuff...call me a hit junkie.....

anyway..i really need to get back to this english essay i'm writing..i have about 200 words and i still need to write about 1800-2800 more ....i think i'll be quite happy if i make it to the lower limit.

Wish me luck!

Cut - Action