Take 1


Director's Notes
Fan Mail

she went thata way

2001-07-11 - 8:38 p.m.

I just had the fright of my life...seriously i felt so sick..i thought i'd lost my dog!..her name's Tanya..she's a tiny little yorkshire terrier and she'll be a year old in a few weeks.She is so cute..she still looks like a really young puppy cos she's a bit of a miniature you see and she is just sooo sweet.everyone that meets her loves her to peices and i would be in SO much trouble if i lost her.

she's getting really good at walking on her own..like not on the leash..she just walks a bit infront of you and then turns round to see if you're still there...and she stops when you call her and things.So tonight i took her out for a walk,since i'm the only one here and i'm really bored.Everything was fine until the last stretch just before our house..i let her off the leash again just at the top of out street....watching her all the time...then she ran a bit around the corner and i ran after her and couldn't see her anywhere at all.There's a fork in the street there so i was wondering which way she had gone.I looked down my street and it'a perfectly straight road after that corner and i couldn't see her at all!so i didn't have a clue where she could have gone..i looked down the lane just after the corner and i couldn't see her there either...so of course it just had to start raining.

there i was standing with a leash and no dog in the rain shouting at this guy who was coming up the road "have you seen a really small black dog?" he said no..so i went down my street and hoped that she would be waiting for me at the door.I shouted to the next guy coming down "have you seen a really small black dog??!!!!"

he said in a foreign accent...and i quote "she went thata way"...and pointed down towards my house.I ran down the street so fast that 2 tourists had to seperate to make a path for me....and when i got home there was this tiny little black dog..soaked..sitting at the top of my steps shivering...looking in my direction waiting for me....when i got there she just rolled onto her back and waited for me to tickle her tummy....how could i be mad at that?

Cut - Action